After selecting assignments, scores are ready to be sent to Canvas. There are two options for sending scores:
- Select the Khan2Canvas->Send Scores->Send All Assignments. This will begin sending scores for all active assignments in the Khan2Canvas spreadsheet. An active assignment is one with both a Khan Academy and Canvas assignment selected.
- Select the Khan2Canvas->Send Scores->Send Selected Assignments. This will begin sending scores for all active assignments in the Khan2Canvas spreadsheet that have the “Send” box checked (located beneath the Canvas assignment selection). After sending scores, you can clear assignments selected for sending by selecting Khan2Canvas->Send Scores->Clear Selections.
For both options for sending scores, the Canvas roster will be updated before starting to send scores. When the process begins, the upper left hand cell in the “Scores” tab will show “⏳ Sending Scores.” As each assignment’s scores are sent to Canvas, the cell above it will show “✔️ Scores Sent.” When all assignments’ scores have been sent the upper left hand cell in the “Scores” tab will show “✔️ All Scores Sent.”
The spreadsheet should be left open while scores are being sent. However, you can navigate away from the window or tab and even begin simultaneously sending scores for other Khan2Canvas spreadsheets at the same time.
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