This setting is required
The Minimum Score is the lowest score that will be given to a student by Khan2Canvas in the spreadsheet. It is a percentage of the Canvas points available for the assignment.
If a student is due to receive a zero either because of a failure to earn points, they have not completed the assignment and Missing Scores setting is set to “Zero”, or their score has been overridden as a zero, they will receive the percentage of the Canvas points specified here. Additionally, if a student receives a score less than the percentage specified here, they will instead receive the percentage of the Canvas points specified here.
Example 1: The Minimum Score is set to “50.00%.” The chosen Canvas assignment is worth 10 points. A student attempts the chosen Khan Academy assignment but answers no questions correctly. As a result they receive 50.00% of the Canvas assignment points or 5 points.
Example 2: The Minimum Score is set to “50.00%.” The chosen Canvas assignment is worth 10 points. A student attempts the chosen Khan Academy assignment an only answers 1 out of 4 questions correctly. They expect to receive 2.5 points on the Canvas assignment. Because of the Minimum Score setting they instead receive 50.00% of the Canvas assignment points or 5 points.
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