The Some or No Reports warning appears when Khan2Canvas either found no reports matching the specified Khan Academy class name(s).
Verify that the Khan Academy class name(s) match the name on Khan Academy exactly. One character being different will cause a mismatch. If the name has any spaces in it, ensure that the name put in Khan2Canvas has the same spaces. To avoid these issues, copy the name directly from Khan Academy.
Verify that the report file(s) you are uploading to Khan2Canvas contain the Khan Academy class name in the title. Some browsers will rename the file when it is downloaded. To identify whether a report is for a particular class, Khan2Canvas looks at the filename to see if it contains the class name.
NOTE: If a Canvas course has multiple Khan Academy classes listed with it, if a report for one Khan Academy class is missing, the others will still be imported. Meaning that no new or previous data will be available for the class of the missing report. When re-importing after this error, you MUST include in the import all reports for every Khan Academy class everytime.
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