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  5. Grading


After selecting Extensions > ALEKS2Canvas Gradebook > Setup > Launch Setup, click on the fifth section, Grading.

It is not required to change the grading values. These affect how ALEKS2Canvas Gradebook will handle different scenarios while processing grades from ALEKS. Each setting and its values are described below.

  • Zeros: This setting determines how ALEKS2Canvas Gradebook will handle student scores that are a 0 (zero). This occurs either when a student has attempted an assignment and scored no points or when a student has not attempted an assignment yet and the due date has passed (student scores from ALEKS will only show zero when they haven’t attempted an assignment yet if you are using a gradebook report). The possible values and their affect are:
    • Yes: Zero scores are allowed. If a student receives a zero on the assignment in ALEKS, the will receive a score of zero in the spreadsheet and subsequently in Canvas as well.
    • No: Zero scores are not allowed. If a student receives a zero on the assignment in ALEKS, it will be treated as though the assignment is missing for the student and will be handled according to how the Missing setting is configured.
  • Missing: This setting determines how ALEKS2Canvas Gradebook will handle situations where either a student has not attempted an assignment yet (and not received a score) or if a student has scored a 0 (zero) on an assignment and the Zeros setting is configured to No.
    • Missing: The assignment will be marked as missing in the spreadsheet for the student. When sending scores to Canvas, the assignment will be marked as missing in Canvas if the due date for the Canvas assignment has already passed. Otherwise the student’s score will left blank in Canvas.
    • Zero: The student will be given a zero for the assignment.
    • No Score: The student will be given no score in Canvas. Their grade for the assignment will be blank.
  • Minimum: This setting determines the minimum score allowed in the spreadsheet and subsequently Canvas. If a student is set to receive a zero in the spreadsheet for an assignment, and minimum is set to a percentage greater than zero, the student will instead receive that percentage of the points for the Canvas assignment. This can be especially useful for teachers who have to abide by a minimum F policy. The value filled in here should be a percentage (for 50%, enter 50). Two example scenarios are given below to better explain the effects of this setting.
    • The Minimum value is set to 50%. The Canvas assignment is worth 10 points. A student attempts an assignment on ALEKS but scores no points. In the spreadsheet and subsequently Canvas, they will receive a 5/10.
    • The Minimum value is set to 50%. The Canvas assignment is worth 10 points. A student attempts an assignment on ALEKS but answers only 1 out of 4 questions correctly. Since their score of 25% (1/4) falls below the minimum value, they will instead be given a 5/10 in the spreadsheet and subsequently Canvas.

When you are finished adjusting any of the Grading settings, click Save at the bottom. Wait until the status bar the bottom of the setup sidebar says Settings Saved.

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