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ALEKS2Canvas works with a Google Spreadsheet. The spreadsheet cannot be downloaded and opened in any other program. ALEKS2Canvas can only be used online, in Google Sheets.

Yes, ALEKS2Canvas can read and send data to a cross listed course on Canvas. However, assignments from Canvas used in ALEKS2Canvas must be assigned to all sections of the cross listed course. Furthermore, if you want to keep your ALEKS classes separate, you can specify up to eight ALEKS classes for ALEKS2Canvas to read in reports for. Note that when importing data, you must include reports for all ALEKS classes you have specified otherwise scores will be missing for classes for which no report was uploaded.

During the setup process, ALEKS2Canvas will erase all of the data in whatever spreadsheet it is being used in and replace it with the sheets that are necessary for it to function. When setting up ALEKS2Canvas, you should do so in a blank spreadsheet.

Yes. While one ALEKS2Canvas spreadsheet can serve up to eight Canvas courses, in some instances it may be beneficial to split them up into several spreadsheets. If you have multiple spreadsheets stored in the same Google Drive folder you should not import data at the same time for multiple spreadsheets. They will make use of the same temporary storage folder and it may cause report conflicts.

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