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Content Editor

The content editor allows you to specify default assignment titles and descriptions based on Khan Academy assignment types, whether due and start dates should be set, and the default assignment points for when assignments are created in Google Classroom.

To launch the content editor, open Khan2GC > Content Editor

Clicking on the Title or Description button next to each Khan Academy assignment type will launch a text editor. If you have not edited the field yet, the default title or description will be shown.

You can make use of data tags to automatically insert information about an assignment when it is created in Google Classroom. The available data tags are below. The use a data tag, simply type in the data tag name and curly brackets that are shown below (ex. {assignment.name} ).

  • {assignment.name} : The name of the assignment in Khan Academy will be inserted.
  • {assignment.type} : The type of the assignment in Khan Academy will be inserted (Quiz, Exercise, Unit Test, Video, Article).
  • {assignment.url} : The URL of the assignment in Khan Academy will be inserted (URLs are clickable in a Google Classroom assignment)

The following settings determine the default behavior for dates and points:

  • Set Start Dates: If checked, Khan2GC will attempt to set start dates for Google Classroom assignments using the due date of the selected Khan Academy assignment. Note that if the start date set in Khan Academy has already passed, the start date cannot be set in Google Classroom. If unchecked, Google Classroom assignments will not have a start date regardless of whether the Khan Academy start date has passed or not.
  • Set Due Dates: If checked, Khan2GC will attempt to set due dates for Google Classroom assignments using the due date of the selected Khan Academy assignment. Note that if the due date set in Khan Academy has already passed, the due date cannot be set in Google Classroom. If unchecked, Google Classroom assignments will not have a due date regardless of whether the Khan Academy due date has passed or not.
  • Default Points: This determines the default number of points assignments in Google Classroom will be worth if no points are specified for the assignment.

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