Several different issues can occur with your License ID. All of them are explained below
- Invalid/No License ID: You have incorrectly entered your License ID or have not entered a License ID. Without a License ID you can complete the setup but you will not be able to import data from Khan Academy or sync data with Google Classroom.
- Product Mismatch: You are using your License ID for a product that it is not intended for. Make sure that you have installed the correct add-on. The email with your License ID will direct you to the correct installation link.
- Email Mismatch: You are using the add-on with a Google account that is not associated with the email address you purchased your License ID with. This can happen when trying to run an add-on through a shared document. If you need to change the email associated with your License ID contact me.
- Subscription Cancelled: The subscription associated with your License ID was cancelled. This happens either because you did not provide payment information before your free trial ended or you chose not to renew your subscription. You can re-activate your subscription using the Customer Portal.