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  5. ALEKS Data Report

ALEKS Data Report

To generate on-Demand reports, from the Custom Reports page for your class, click on the “Templates” tab. Find the template you just created and click the “Schedule Report” link underneath it.

Give the report a name and underneath “Scheduling Options” make sure “One time report” is selected. Set the report start date to the beginning of your grading period (beginning of the quarter/semester/etc.). The end date should be set to today. If you choose an end date later than the current day, the report will not generate until that day. You can, however, choose an end date earlier than the current day but after the start date if you want.

Underneath “Student Options” make sure “All Students” is selected and only “Individual student data” is checked. The image below shows an example report.

Click “Schedule Report” in the bottom right and you’ll be taken to the Custom Reports page.

On the reports tab you should be able to see the report you just generated. Click “Refresh Table” above the right corner of the table until the status changes to “Completed” and a link appears beneath the report to “Download Report.” Click the link to download the report.

You will need to repeat these steps each time you want to download the data for each class.

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