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Common Errors

  • ALEKS2Canvas menu will not show up in the spreadsheet
    • If the menu will not show up you can try closing the spreadsheet and re-opening it
    • If it still will not show up, navigate to the Settings tab and at the bottom locate Menu Manual Run. Click on the button Create Menu to initialize the ALEKS2Canvas menu.

  • Error when running the setup
    • If you receive a red error message at the top of the spreadsheet when attempting the run the setup is likely that you copied your Canvas URL, Access Token, or Canvas Class Name into the Settings tab incorrectly. The most common mistake is not copying the beginning characters of the Access Token from Canvas, including trailing spaces in the Canvas Class Name, copying the wrong Class Name, or copying in a Canvas URL that contains characters (other than a “/”) after the “.com”
    • Refer to the Canvas Settings page to see exactly how these values should be copied in.
    • It is also possible that you do not have the permissions to retrieve data from Canvas or write scores.
    • If you continue to receive an error Contact me.

  • No Canvas assignments listed in the drop-down or assignments are missing
    • It is necessary that your assignments on Canvas are published, set to be “No Submission” assignments, and have a due date set. Otherwise, they will not show up in the spreadsheet.
    • Your Assignment Identifier in the Settings tab might be set incorrectly. Check to make sure it matches a common term in the titles of your desired assignments from Canvas.
    • You might have put your Assignment Identifier term in the spot for Assignment Exclusion in the Settings tab. Doing this would result in all assignments in Canvas containing that term being ignored.
    • Your Canvas Term Start Date and Term End Date in the Settings tab are for the wrong year or the wrong span of dates. The spreadsheet will only load assignments from Canvas that fall in between the dates you list here. These settings are NOT required to be filled in.
    • Refer to the Canvas Settings page to see exactly how these settings should be configured.

  • No ALEKS assignments listed in the drop-down or assignments are missing
    • Your ALEKS Class Name in the Settings tab is filled in incorrectly. You may have not copied in spaces that are in your class name. This needs to match the class name in Khan Academy verbatim.
    • Your ALEKS Term Start Date and Term End Date in the Settings tab are for the wrong year or the wrong span of dates. The spreadsheet will only load assignments from Canvas that fall in between the dates you list here. These settings are NOT required to be filled in.
    • Your ALEKS Term Start Date and Term End Date in the Settings tab are for the wrong year or the wrong span of dates. The spreadsheet will only load assignments from ALEKS that fall in between the dates you list here. These settings are NOT required to be filled in.
    • Refer to the ALEKS Settings page to see exactly how these settings should be configured.

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