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Under the ALEKS2Canvas menu on the Google Sheets menu bar, the Clear menu gives you the option to clear data in the spreadsheet. This should be used with caution as these operations cannot be undone. These menu options are generally used for when you are resetting the spreadsheet or certain parts of it. These are especially useful for when Making Copies of the spreadsheet.

A description of what each menu option does is below.

  • Clear Completions: This will clear the completion messages above assignments from sending scores.
  • Clear Roster: This will clear all of the students in the spreadsheet on the Scores tab and their data elsewhere in the spreadsheet.
  • Clear Assignments: This will clear the Khan Academy and Canvas assignments selections for all assignments in the Scores tab.
  • Clear Data: This will clear all of the stored data in the spreadsheet. This includes imported data from Khan Academy and assignment data from Canvas.
  • Clear Settings: This will reset all of the user defined settings in the Settings tab. User and class specific settings will be cleared.
  • Clear All: This will clear all of the above mentioned data from the spreadsheet.

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